Remedy to protect the belonging and retain the "Privacy" of the same in efficient ways whether it relate with "Blog" or any skill which comprise factor of "3C"


(Study of) Chase in Human Eye


1.                 The writing which represent introduction of "Comedy Art" and significance of the
                    same. ( Emerging idea since '19 ) ( Extremely Important ) 


2.                 Planning to change existing title ,
                                        "Understand Self in accordance with Own Observation Practically" to
new one ,
                                        "The "Study" which make Me to bring Perfection in Building  "3C" factor in Efficient ways" (Courage, Capability, Care) 

3.                 Concept of "Indian Politics" emerged which follows new concept of "Legislation" as to bring revolutionary changes into branch of "Executive" to estimate and solve issues which might affect "Democracy" relating to aspects as mentioned in blog.
(Just as review by "Self", not for publish )


4.                  The judgement made in logical manner which explains how parts in deceased body stays working at level where near to zero level operation of body parts continue for defined interval of time  , since the time he reaches to death.  ( Emerged on Oct 8 , 2020 )
                     (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges and in turn care is realized by "Self" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


5.                 The "Study" of Human Posture which comprises part of it as "Soul" ( Can also be compared there with "Mind" ) 
                     1.         Relation of  "Mind" therewith body posture of one . 
                     2.         Rough judgement for Mystery of "Soul" after death which has got his own existence , considering various & genuine cases which goes as per in accord to "Base" or "Built" of Nature which define human posture. ( Emerged on Oct 5, 2020 )
                     3.        The rough judgement of concept which define the period of life of person experienced by him but, after his death find his "Soul" intact or immortal .The very next life cycle which one is about to go through as per his "Karmas" , after drawback in "Karmas" are taken into account by "GOD". Once "Moksha" is achieved by "Soul" , undertaking of "GOD" to allow that "Soul" to enjoy peaceful life in the form of newer life which has its unique property of "Body" and "Soul". This "Soul" has nothing to do with the one which existed in his previous life and as per the "Karma" gone and the newer life which is attained define his existing life cycle.
(Emerged on Oct 5 , 2020 and contain Update in the same as of Oct 31 , 2020 ) 

                      (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


6.                   The judgement made in logical manner that , how consideration of mind goes when loses control upon his posture when he find himself unfamiliar with this "Study" .
( i.e. various cases in "Mental" state ) (Emerged since Aug 2019 and is continuing till now . ) 
                     (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


7.                  The loopholes studied entirely and effortlessly by people making use of machine while reading of my own mind with continuous disturbance which break my "Privacy" laws and in turn , to build the factor of  "3C" among people , to continue the same chase forever. 
(Emerged since Feb 2020 and is continuing till now . ) 
                       (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


8.                   The "Study" which covers minute aspects in practical life and bear base of medical science to relieve self from mind stress if unable to retain posture in well to do condition due to  suicidal attempt of mine own which covered physical injury to part of body on Oct 7, 2014.
1.                   Detailed grasp(understanding) of incidence which occurred while wound was made upon abdomen.
2.                   Detailed grasp(understanding) of incidence which occurred while wound was made upon one of wrist.
3.                   Detailed grasp(understanding) of incidence which occurred while wound was made upon neck. 
( Left Side )
(  The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new solutions are found which make me to realize care for my own "Study" )


 9.                 Use of  "Art" while describing "Prestige" of each other by "Bride" and "Groom" when married newly and crossing threshold of the house , by the "Bride" and "Groom" , with high importance considered to "Bride" , to start with newer life of both.      


10.                Invention and preparation of various recipes with unique or own derived method , which retains genuineness in its standard. ( Emerging since ' 2012 )


11.                 Rough judgement for "Study" , "CIHE" , when gets authority in legal form to distribute the same to build up the factor of  "Personality Development". This can be achieved by,  opting for optional subject in school which discuss the conceptual theory in "CIHE" , ( Std. VIII , IX & X ) , higher secondary education ( Std XI & XII ) as per Indian Education System , and some concepts as discussed in blog till he reaches to the level of graduation. Here, yet not gone through the form of , remuneration which can be achieved to me i.e. the "Constructor" & "Owner" of the blog. 
                     A person can adapt this conceptual theory to the level he requires and begin to work in his profession where accumulation of entire "Study" which he has learnt right from basic level to his knowledge can be considered , if required by him but not to get used to with same.  
                     When I consider this "Study" to distribute in terns of license which holds applicable to the "Business" , as per "Sector" wise which comprises number of  own individual business , of which , license issued to each one of department of the "Business" to make use of the same "Study", whenever required and utilize the power of the same to bring effectiveness of it into practice  with minimal impact upon physical assets located, irrespective of the fact , how many members are located within that department  . 
                       ( This judgement is yet to be finalized ) 
                       ( Will be made publish once, final documentation for the same will get ready. )


12.                 The one of setting in Computer H/w located on Motherboard which if not attended properly leaves entire system as Brain-dead and does not start the system at all. 
(Emerged on Nov 16, 2020)
(  The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new solutions are found which make me to realize care for my own "Study" )


(                     Tried and successfully implemented on date : Aug 19 , 2020 )

13.                 Steal of all "Techniques" & "Methods" of mine own by people making use of  "Technology" which can be named as "Remote Neural Monitoring" describing "Methods" and "Techniques" which belong to me to retain "Hairstyle" in best efficient ways to look and to bring effectiveness in "Personality".
                       This method involve cut of unnecessary growth of "Hair" upon the surface of the head with the help of  "Trimmer" to bring effectiveness into personality and to build the factor of  "3C" in efficient ways.
                       (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


14.                   The invention of "New Terminologies" which helps One to make use of  Theory for better use in "Professional Environment" to bring effectiveness in personality after legal licensing associated with the same is completed.
                        (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


15.                    The invention of Formula which calculate Failure Count of One which may vary as per the Industry Standard and help one to better understand the mistake he followed during his workout . This count give enough time to one to prepare himself for the mistakes he followed while rectifying the same and to join his working sector to start his courier with all his spirit.


16.                    The Concept of "Confession Build", the Place which is the Best place of Justice for Victim if they failed to achieve the Same from Judiciary. This Concept makes Culprit to admit for his Crime by himself with all his Conscious Mind by going through circumstances which has the Base for the Crime occurred. The Significance of the same is that , this Concept thoroughly relies upon ,
                                              Final Line of Justice ( The Justice governed by God ),
                         which also hold enough Base of  "Base of Medical Science" , "Base or Built of Nature which define Human Posture" & Base of Constitution Laws" to identify if the Culprit have enough genuineness in his Behavior & does not reflect the action of circumstances imposed upon his Mind.


17.                  To upload the information for the invention of Formula which calculates the following units . This is to protect all contents which describe the parameters and mystery in Formula to get rid of from illegal usage of the same.
  • Success of Love 
  • Success units for the growth of the Country
  • Possibility to fall victim to RNM Technology
                      */  All above Units are left to verify if they properly display the result /*

                      (The "Study" is meant by "Self" just for review as protection considering treat which is being observed so far. ) (Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )


18.                     The introduction of Rules(Build) mentioned below which is the advanced part of the Study which defines ,
                           Base or Built of Nature which defines Human Posture
                           1. RUINS Build
                               Redundancy in Understanding ( BASE ) with Intense Negotiation & 
(  Mind ) Synchronization
                           2. FAIR Build
                               Fast Advancement which lead into Intense Revolution
                           3. Build (in) POSH
                               Progress of Situation Handling 
(The "Study" is proprietary of "Self" &  is method in achieving the desired Build)
(Recorded by people making use of technology mind reading , as usual when new ideas emerges which make me to realize care for my own "Study" to look into the "Subject" because, can not be left incomplete , as the blog explains. )    


19.                      To assign the Full Form to newly invented concept of  Rhythm Sound named  "Art" 
as ,
                            Acquired Rhythm in Time ( By Writer , Constructor and Owner of Blog  , Ashish Patwari )
